January my life has been a whirlwind of travel and new experiences. In the last
five months I have been to Fairbanks, Alaska to help the next round of
PolarTREC teachers get ready for their expeditions and to Denver, Colorado twice
in search of a new job/career. I also went home for the Michigan Science
Teachers Associations annual conference and to see Averi before she turned one
year old, I attended the National Science Teachers Association conference in
Indianapolis and National Afterschool Association Conference in Dallas, and I
went to the International Polar Year Conference in Montreal, Canada. It has
been a busy five months of travel.
Some of my
highlights over the past five months include being invited to the White House Summit
on Environmental Education and being asked to present on a panel in front of a
very intimidating audience of people, meeting an amazing group of teachers at
the PolarTREC orientation and getting to see them and many of my old PolarTREC
friends at the IPY conference in Montreal, and organizing and accomplishing
some great professional development workshops for teachers in the DC Public
School System.